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Blinn-Phong Light Function doesn't work with Mixed Light

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:47 pm
by Arthurullo
Hello forum!

I'm trying to develop my own lighting function using the "Blinn-Phong Light Function Node" but it doesn't work correctly with lightmaps when you have a mixed light.

It works fine if you have all the scene lightmapped or if your lights are only dynamic, but you can't use the mixed mode.

I'm baking the scene using the mixed lightning mode Shadowmask (only shadowmask, I don't need the distance shadowmask thing)and Enlighten as lightmapper, with Unity 2017.3.0f3 and Amplify version 1.4.4

Thanks for your time!

Re: Blinn-Phong Light Function doesn't work with Mixed Light

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:07 pm
by Amplify_Borba
Hello, thank you for reporting this issue!

Blinn Phong should work with mixed lighting, could you download the latest ASE version and see if this behavior still manifests?

If so, could you send us a simple sample project with the issue present so that we can debug it on our side? Thanks!

Re: Blinn-Phong Light Function doesn't work with Mixed Light

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:19 pm
by Arthurullo
Hi Borba, and thanks for the quick reply!

I've just downloaded the latest version and the issue still happens :(
I've prepared a demo project with 3 scenes (located in the root folder). The three scenes got the same elements:
-A Static empty father who got two childs, a sphere and a cube both statics.
-A Dynamic empty father who got two childs, a sphere and a cube both no statics.
-A static ground.
-A Directional Light who changes in every scene (baked, realtime, mixed).
The shader and the material are both located in the root folder too.

I'm dropping you here the download link:

Thanks a lot! :D

Re: Blinn-Phong Light Function doesn't work with Mixed Light

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:02 am
by Amplify_Borba
Hello, apologies for the delay in getting back to you on this issue as its still being investigated by the developer, I'll let you know as soon as we have any further developments, thank you for your patience!

Re: Blinn-Phong Light Function doesn't work with Mixed Light

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:50 pm
by Amplify_Borba
Hey there, we've managed to fix this issue on most Unity versions we've tested, unfortunately, it's still present in 5.6 due to Unity related issues, but that shouldn't affect you since you're using a more recent version.

We've just patched it into a new build that is available through our website, feel free to take it for a spin, feedback is always welcome!

Thank you for your patience!