Error with AT1 (AT2 MultiCam) [SOLVED]

Massive Virtual Texturing for Unity Pro

Re: Error with AT1

Postby Diogo Teixeira » Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:26 pm

mickyg wrote:I don't really know what I did differently - it took a few tries (deleting the plugin from the scene, reloading and going through the steps, rebuilding and updating etc) before it started working - I can't really put my finger on why I couldn't get it to work unfortunately. I got a few different errors relating to the cache and something not being an instance of something (sorry, I should have noted it down), but now that it works it seems to consistently work even when changing parameters.

Well if you ever come across any issues in the future, please do not hesitate.

mickyg wrote:It's unfortunate about multiple cameras. I don't want to be that guy that hassles you for release dates, but I am hoping that it is something that might be fixed in the next few weeks :D Either way though, we are getting great mileage out of your plugin so I won't be too pushy! I might be able to get around the problem by creating an additional camera looking down at the virtual texture with the plugin applied (and remove it from the others), so it loads all the texture at the start of the scene.

Either way though, we are getting great mileage out of your plugin so I won't be too pushy! I might be able to get around the problem by creating an additional camera looking down at the virtual texture with the plugin applied (and remove it from the others), so it loads all the texture at the start of the scene.

Oh, no worries. I'll get this working as soon as possible, in time for db3. Hopefully this weekend or next week.

So it's important for you if the multiple cameras also share the same cache?
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Diogo Teixeira
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Re: Error with AT1

Postby mickyg » Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:56 am

Hi Diogo

It's not actually necessary for them to share a single cache - I'm happy for each camera to have its own cache if that's how it normally works.

It's mainly for a large piece of survey data - I have a very high resolution aerial photo on it, and a few different cameras including a free flying camera and an animated camera that flies from one end of the survey to the other (10kms or so).

I'm thinking out loud here, but it would probably not work very well if they shared the same cache, as the different cameras can potentially be very far away from each other, which therefore would stream too much texture data and introduce slowdown?

But then again, I have no idea how AT would implement this so it could be fine :D
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Re: Error with AT1

Postby mickyg » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:11 am

Hi Diogo

Any word on db3 and the multi camera fix?
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Re: Error with AT1

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:13 pm

AT2 now supports multiple cameras.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you run into any additional problems.

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