1-CLICK CREATION. Optimize your projects with ease by replacing complex geometry at a distance with next-generation Billboard Impostors.
Advanced techniques.
Amplify Shader Editor Compatible:
Amplify Impostors processes your meshes into an impostor set of textures that it then uses to display a “fake” version of your mesh using an extremely simplified mesh plane and a special runtime shader. Sounds complex but the process is made seamless with its 1-Click Bake Solution;
Impostors are camera-facing quads, or simple polygonal shapes, that replace complex geometry at a distance by rendering a fake 3D representation of the original asset. This is a fancy way of saying that unlike old regular billboards that could take a single front photo of an object and have it always align with the camera, Amplify Impostors instead captures multiple images around your object, with special data such as normals and depth, that it then uses to create the illusion of a 3D object while still having all the optimization benefits of a billboard and more!
Spherical Impostor
Simpler shader complexity, does not provide smooth blending between views.
Ocatahedron Impostor
Relatively more complex than Spherical, but performant. Capable of smooth blending between views.
HemiOctahedron Impostor
Hemi variant, ideal for top view games. Allows for higher resolution per view.
In practice, unlike traditional billboards, this means you can rotate around an impostor, rotate/scale/move the actual impostor, and render full lighting. The special data processed into the Impostor asset even allows you to intersect it with other meshes, or other impostors, as you would with regular models.
Impostors are not meant to be used as a 1-1 replacement of your models, each technique has its own pros and cons that you should consider before using it; typical workflows involve displaying the actual mesh at close range and the impostor from a certain distance. This distance depends on the original model and what percentage of the screen it occupies; the larger the object, and the closer the camera is to the impostor, the harder it will be to maintain the illusion. Large buildings seem to be a common pitfall, they work but due to their size the impostor works best from farther distances.
Additional Technical Considerations: