Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Node-based Shader Editor

Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby mambosa » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:53 am

I have been seeking to produce vertex lighting on the top of lightmapped environments and I am struggling to find any information on how to approach this using ASE. I have searched the forum and this topic has not cropped up before and google returns a lot of results but these are all based on older shader code that does not seem to work in Unity 2017 or 2018. I am working on a VR title and we really need to have a single vertex light(not pixel) to be able to cast light on top of a lightmapped environment. Is this no longer possible to achieve in Unity due to the render pipeline?

I did find this on the Asset Store and tried to recreate it in ASE but I did not get very far :( ... tent/75977

Does anyone have any ideas or seen a solution for this any where? :?

Thanks ASE community.

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Re: Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:51 pm

mambosa wrote:I have been seeking to produce vertex lighting on the top of lightmapped environments and I am struggling to find any information on how to approach this using ASE. I have searched the forum and this topic has not cropped up before and google returns a lot of results but these are all based on older shader code that does not seem to work in Unity 2017 or 2018. I am working on a VR title and we really need to have a single vertex light(not pixel) to be able to cast light on top of a lightmapped environment. Is this no longer possible to achieve in Unity due to the render pipeline?

I did find this on the Asset Store and tried to recreate it in ASE but I did not get very far :( ... tent/75977

Does anyone have any ideas or seen a solution for this any where? :?

Thanks ASE community.



Thank you for getting in touch, we really appreciate it. Unfortunately, this forum is mostly aimed at technical support, I don't think you'll get much information from other users.

This is not something that I've personally tested yet, what have you built so far?

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Re: Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby mambosa » Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:44 am

Hi Ricardo,

Thank you for your response. I have not got very far becuase I am not sure where to start as I have not found any basic vertex lighting ASE shader graphs to use as a guide and there does not appear to be a sample Vertex Lighting shader included in ASE for me to work with either. I actually don't even know if it is even possible to do this and if I am wasting my time!? Do I need to set my shader to Legacey Vertex lIt and if so how do I do that in ASE?

If this is not the best forum to ask if this is technically possible do you know where I should go to ask this question as I am desperate to just just appreciate if this is even possible?

Thank you ASE.
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Re: Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby mambosa » Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:46 am

I forgot to mention that I am using 2017 and not 2018 and the new render pipeline which might be the answer but again I don't really know.


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Re: Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby Amplify_Borba » Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:03 pm

Hello, we're going to run some test on our side and will get back to you with more information regarding this as soon as possible, thank you for understanding!
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Re: Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby Amplify_Borba » Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:53 pm

Hey there, I'm getting back in touch to let you know that our developer has been preparing a template for the purpose you've requested that will be released on the next build, which should be available towards the end of this week.

We'll get back in touch when it releases, for your convenience.
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Re: Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby mambosa » Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:33 pm

That sounds Awesome! Thank you very much. I can' wait to see it.
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Re: Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby Amplify_Borba » Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:05 pm

Hello, this template is already available, together with a sample located in the following folder:

AmplifyShaderEditor \ Examples \ Official \ UnlitWithLightmap


Please let us know if you come across any issues, thanks!
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Re: Vertex Lighting with Lightmaps in ASE

Postby mambosa » Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:08 am

Hi Amplify_Borba,

Are you saying that if I use the Unlit/Lightmap shader template it will support vertex lights added to my scene? I assumed that being unlit it would not support realtime vertex lights but if that is what you are saying I should use then I will give it a go. I assume that I will create a ASE graph that deals with the lighting and then bring in the template for the lightmap and then combine and plug into the custom lighting output?

Edit: I realised that my original post failed to identify a very important fact about the vertex light and that we need a realtime vertex light over a lightmap and not a baked vertex/pixel light over a lightmap.

I appologise for misleading you and wasting your time, it was an honest mistake.

Thank you Amplify for the unlit shader template which is still very useful I will keep looking for an ASE solution to realtime vertex lighting and lightmaps.

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