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Advanced Dynamic Shaders

Our community never ceases to impress us with its creations. There are few things as gratifying and humbling as watching inventive and quality shaders being brought to life with the help of Amplify Shader Editor, and in this post we’re going to take the opportunity to highlight BOXOPHOBIC’s newly released shader, ADVANCED DYNAMIC SHADERS – Dynamic flags and props shaders.

Fully customizable with ASE, it also allows for a high degree of customization through over 30 parameters exposed in the material inspector. It is also optimized for Consoles, Mobile and VR projects, and offers some interesting features such as adding symbols on flags, support for Opaque, Cutout and Fade blend modes, Custom Alpha textures and even Wind Mask support!


Advanced dynamic flag and props shaders by BOXOPHOBIC.

Low Poly Skies

If by any chance you’re also looking for amazing skybox shaders for your low poly project, fear not, BOXOPHOBIC has got your back!

Also fully customizable in ASE, POLYVERSE SKIES – Low Poly Skybox Shaders and Textures offer perspective and orthographic camera support, a 3 color gradient background, sky pattern overlays, animated clouds, sun and moon, twinkling stars, Unity’s built-in fog and high quality textures even at 4K gaming!

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POLYVERSE – Low Poly Skybox Shaders and Textures

Highly customizable skybox shaders by BOXOPHOBIC.
CEO / Research & Development