Amplify Texture 2
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Project Setup & Conversion
Unity 5 In-Depth Tutorial
Installation and scene setup overview with various examples and useful workflow tips. Apart from the specific Unity 5 features demonstrated in this video, the information provided also applies to Unity 4.
Quick Start Tutorial
This tutorial covers the basic process of setting up scenes with Amplify Texture 2 and how to use our Automated Conversion Tool. AT2 works in a contextual manner; meaning that each scene can have its individual Streaming Settings, Virtual Textures and their actual parameters, such as compression and Channel Use.
Installing & Updating
Starting from Alpha 32 we simplified the process of updating Amplify Texture 2, from trial to full or simply when updating to the latest full version.
Amplified Terrains
Amplify Terrain 101
This video demonstrates how to use Virtualized Multi-Tile UV Collections with Unity Terrains. It also describes some of the functionalities provided by World Machine and what type of terrain support is currently available in Amplify Texture 2.
Alloy 3 Physical Shader Framework
Alloy 3 Crash Course by RUST LTD
A comprehensive walktrough of all the amazing features provided by Alloy 3. Definitely one to watch if you intend to make the most out of AT2 & Alloy.
Exporting Custom Channels for PBR Workflows
With a few steps you can export game ready UDIM tile collections. Useful for metallic/specular or similar workflows, you will be able to pack any MARI channel required.