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The Divine Unity Shrine – GI Tech Demo

A great example of the quality that can be achieved with Enlighten, the new Unity 5 Real-Time Global Illumination system by Geomerics. Developed by Alex Lovett, the aim of the demo was to push for quality, high-resolution textures, PBR Materials and high-quality dynamic GI. It certainly achieved it you won’t find any baked standard lightmaps in this amazing demo.

Lighting 1.5 million texels is no challenge for Enlighten, after the pre-calculation process is complete it allows you to freely tweak lighting information; animate, remove, create new lights or even alter their properties. We look forward to future demos, it’s always great to see our products in action, both Amplify Color and Motion were used to enhance the final look.

Full Post: Unity Blog

Tech Demo by Alex Lovett: Shadowood

Arcus – Color Demo



Momentum – Motion Demo



Amplify Color
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Amplify Motion
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